


"To lead humanitarian relief, development, and charity activities in Somalia and to be one of the top organizations in Somalia


“The organization provides humanitarian relief and development programs aimed at empowering the nation and reduce or eradicate poverty illiteracy and disease in Somalia


To create social stability and awareness on reproductive issues, HIV / AIDS and other related adolescence issues.


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Our What We Do

What We Do?

Here you can read any What We Do from the organization [ GASDO ]

Child Protection

Formation and training of child protection committees, community dialogue meetings, and support to community led initiatives on child protection, translation of key legal and policy documents into local languages, data collection on violation of children’s rights and supporting formal education for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Somalia

Livelihoods Support

Provision of sustainable and profitable means of livelihoods, training of Income Generating Activities and financial management, support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs’) to attain vocational skills and provision of basic start up tool kits to beneficiaries War affected children in the community.

Peace Building and Reconciliation.

Training of Parents Support Groups and Youth Support Groups on peace building and conflict resolution, ongoing tracing and re-union, facilitation of community reconciliation and peace meetings, community and religious dialogues and consensus building on traditional justice systems, interactive games and sports among children and youth, development and implementation of peace..


Is a strategy through which GASDO addresses cross cutting issues that arise from the above core programs messages are generated through Parents Support Groups and Youth Support Groups meetings.

Environmental Protection and conservation

Training of Youth Support Groups, formation of Environmental Protection and Conservation Clubs in schools, established a tree nursery which acts as a demonstration site and supplies tree seedlings to the community.

Emergency and relief

Provision of food aid, training in food security and agricultural rehabilitation to formerly displaced returnees, people affected by drought and floods which resulted to famine in Somalia

Reproductive Health

This is done through: Behavioral Change Communication (BCC), awareness and sensitization, guidance and counseling, distribution of Information Education and Communication materials, HIV/AIDS Counseling and Testing and community outreaches.

Mental Health

Due to the war in Somalia, GASDO has identified the post war effects in youth characterized by street life, alcoholism, drug and substance abuse. GASDO is looking for funding for this project. It will be implemented through: guidance and counseling, radio talk shows,


This is a cross-cutting activity in all the programmers of GASDO. It is an integrated activity. GASDO is supporting 20 orphans and vulnerable children by provision of Scholastic materials, school fees and basic materials.


Successful projects

Here you can read any Successful projects from the organization [ GASDO ]


News Posts

Here you can read any news from the organization [ GASDO ]

Emergency Education support
01 Nov, 2018- 25-April-2019

Emergency Education support to the IDPs in Shalanbod and Buufow Lower Shebelle region – Somalia

Livelihoods improvement
01 April-Aug 2020

Livelihoods improvement Through training skills and Provision ofFishing gears at Marka ,LowerShebelle

Improvement on Agriculture
01 Feb-July 2020

Improvement on Agriculture Through provision of resistant quality seeds and tools for poor farmers of Balcad district Middle Shebelle region – Somalia